Talks and presentations

My Thesis Defense: Streaming Neural Speech Translation

September 29, 2022

Talk, Universitat Politècnica de València, València

This is the presentation of my PhD Thesis. I speak more about this in one of my blog posts. The actual presentation was not recorded, but I sat down a couple of days later and tried to recreate it as best as possible. You can find the video here.

Towards Streaming Speech Translation - SIGSLT

June 14, 2022

Talk, ISCA-SIGSLT, Online

This talk provides an overview of the Speech Translation task and its particularities. I then go into detail explaining two contributions of my thesis: 1) a procedure for Streaming ST evaluation, and 2) streaming-specific models with streaming history.

This talk goes into greater detail than my previous one at UPC, so you should definitely watch this one if you interested in Streaming Speech Translation.

The talk is available on Youtube, and you can access the slides here.

Towards Streaming Speech Translation

April 27, 2022

Talk, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, Online

On this talk I gave an overview of how Speech Translation is carried out at MLLP research group, with a focus on the MT side.

Unfortunately, the talk was not recorded due to a technical issue, but you can access the slides here.