About - Javier Iranzo-Sánchez

Hi! Welcome to my website. I write here every so often to share more about my research and other interesting projects.

I’m an Applied Scientist at AppTek, where I’m part of the Speech Translation (ST) team. My responsibilities include further research in Speech Translation, with the goal to transform my research output into a product that can be used by real customers.

I obtained my PhD at Universitat Politècnica de València (UPV), under the supervision of Prof. Jorge Civera and Prof. Alfons Juan. My thesis topic is Streaming Speech Translation, which can be defined as a Machine Translation (MT) task where the input is an unbounded, real-time stream that must be translated under some latency constraint. As part of my thesis, I have published multiple papers focused on the challenges of the Streaming ST scenario: data acquisition, segmentation, evaluation and streaming-specific architectures. Apart from this, during my PhD I have had the opportunity to collaborate with some of my brilliant colleagues at the MLLP research group, with whom I have jointly published research in Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) and Text-to-Speech (TTS).