Stream-level Latency Evaluation for Simultaneous Machine Translation

Published in Findings of EMNLP, 2021

A reliable evaluation metric is critical for any technical and scientific task. However, the standard simultaneous MT latency metrics (AP, AL and DAL) are not robust when applied to the Streaming scenario. This paper studies this phenomenon and proposes a re-segmentation solution that provides reliable and interpretable results for the Streaming scenario.

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This is how I described this publication in my thesis:

This paper introduces a novel evaluation procedure for streaming MT. Standard online MT metrics only work with short audio segments, evaluated in isolation, and do not take into account the sequential nature of the streaming scenario. Our proposed streaming evaluation method fixes these issues, and as a bonus, it can be applied to the standard metrics used for online MT with a small modification. Our proposal keeps track of a global latency score across the entire translation process, and uses a re-alignment step that matches translated words with the correct reference segment.
A significant advantage of our proposal is that the evaluation procedure is not system/segmentation dependent and can be used to compare different systems, as well as maintaining the original interpretability of the metrics. Comparative experiments show that, unlike competing approaches, our proposal correctly ranks systems based on their latency, as well as keeping the previously mentioned properties.